Leonardo Da Vinci in 3D
2-D to 3-D conveted by Yoritsugu Katagiri
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Il Cenacolo o L'Ultima Cena (The Last Supper)
Our very good friend Yoritsugu Katagiri, a reseacher of Leonardo Da Vinci, passed away last autum by cancer. He was still young and only 49 years old. He had been teaching the History of Art at Jissen Female University in Tokyo, but by chance he was sent to Italy 3 years ago to continue his research mainly at the Museum of Leonardo Da Vinci in Toscana. It was since that time he left for Italy that he started to take an interest in stereoscopic 3D images. We still remember the day he came to see us bringing a pair of brand-new digital cameras that were assembled with a German-made compact slide mount. He looked so happy to show us that hand-made 3D camera that allowed us to make a synchronized shooting by using an ultra-red remote controller. It was only 1 year later when he was back to Tokyo that he got down by the illness and very soon he departed from this world. We have been waiting for him to come back as soon as possible and looking forward to enjoying 3D shooting together, so we were so sorry to hear about his death. We are now investigating the data he left in his 3D laptop, but we found a couple of interesting 3D works among them. The Leonardo Da Vinci that we present here are one of them. They were supposed to be converted to 3-D by using several softwares spending a lot of time and efforts. We would like to introduce it here even for recalling his personality. May his soul rest in peace.
Editor, Takeo Fukazawa
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Texnai, Inc.
#318, 2-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel:03-3464-6927 Fax:03-3476-2372
Anaglyph images copyright reserved by Yoritsugu Katagiri