Texnai 3DHD Archives: August Rodin (1)

Use red & Cyan glasses to see the anaglyph movie of this site

The Monument to the Burghers of Calais by August Rodin
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
  • This is an experimental 3D movie that is created by using a stereo pair of high resolution still pictures of 20 millions pixels shot by Fujifilm Fujifilm GX680III/DBP and a stereoscopic CG animation rendered by Ikeuchi laboratory of the University of Tokyo. Original was a stereo pair of HDV movies of 720p. This anaglyph movie is converted from them.
  • Still 3D Shooting: Akio Suzuki
  • CG animation: Ikeuchi Laboratory, Tokyo University
  • 3DHD EditingFHiroaki Seki
  • Durection: Takeo Fukazawa
  • Co-operation: National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Japan
  • Co-operation: Fuji Photo Film Imaging Co. Ltd
  • (c) Texnai, Inc., Ikeuchi Laboratory, National Museum of Western Art

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