Texnai 3DHD Archives: August Rodin (2)
Use red& Cyan glasses to see the anaglyph movie of this site
The Gates of Hell by August Rodin
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
This is an experimental 3D movie that is created by using a stereo pair of high resolution still pictures of 20 millions pixels shot by Fujifilm Fujifilm GX680III/DBP. Original was a stereo pair of HDV movies of 720p. This anaglyph movie is converted from them.
Still 3D Shooting: Akio Suzuki, Hiroaki Seki
3DHD EditingFHiroaki Seki
Durection: Takeo Fukazawa
Co-operation: National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Japan
Co-operation: Fuji Photo Film Imaging Co. Ltd
(c) Texnai, Inc., National Museum of Western Art
Texnai, Inc.
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Copyright:Texnai, Inc.