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Photo Archives: Paleolithic Art in Northern Spain

Las Monedas

Preview Edition

  • 26 photos and the 6 variations (about1280x1000,1470x980/JPEG).
  • Commentary by César González Sainz & Roberto Cacho Toca, Univ. of Cantabria.
  • Royality Free for private and educational use.
In this downloadable photo archives are contained 26 photos and the 6 variations of Paleolithic cave art of Las Monedas cave with the archeological data and commentary as shown in this preview pages. Only the small sized reference images and a part of commentary are shown in this preview edition, but if you are interested to see more and to use these photos, please go to Kagi store and purchase the data package. Once payment has been made at the Kagi store, you will receive an e-mail containing the URL to download the data package. All photos that are contained in this package are ROYALITY FREE for private and educational use.

Las Monedas Cave

Cueva de Las Monedas is located on the southwest-facing hillside of Monte Castillo, at 187m above sea level. Consequently, it is very near the other caves in the same hill: El Castillo, Las Chimeneas, La Flecha and La Pasiega.

Some time after the important research carried out in the caves of El Castillo and La Pasiega at the start of the century, new discoveries were made in the 1950s, at the same time as a track was cut round the side of the hill to La Pasiega. Cueva de Las Monedas was discovered in April 1952, when the land was being cleared for the plantation of eucalyptus trees. At first, the cave was called "Cueva de Los Osos" (Cave of the Bears) because of all the skeletal remains of this animal that were found on the cave floor. But as a result of the discovery of twenty-three coins, from the reign of Isabel and Ferdinand, the name was changed to "Cueva de Las Monedas" (Cave of the Coins), and it is still referred to in that way in scientific publications. This was not going to be the last discovery of cave art in Monte Castillo, as one year later, Cueva de Las Chimeneas was found, with another important group of Paleolithic paintings and engravings.



Ripoll Perelló, E. 1972. La cueva de Las Monedas en Puente Viesgo (Santander). Diputación Provincial de Barcelona. Monografias de Arte Rupestre, 1.

Moure Romanillo, A.; González Sainz, C.; Bernaldo de Quirós, F.; Cabrera Valdés, V. 1996. Dataciones absolutas de pigmentos en cuevas cantábricas: Altamira, El Castillo, Chimeneas, Las Monedas. En Moure, A. (ed.): "El Hombre fósil" 80 años después. Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Cantabria. Santander, pp. 295-324.

Photographed by Takeo Fukazawa & Co-Project Team of Texnai Inc. and the University of Cantabria
Commentary by César González Sainz & Roberto Cacho Toca, Univ. of Cantabria

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